Specialty Data & Reports

Part of effectively exploring specialties is reviewing data and reports. These data identify the academic profiles and characteristics of applicants in the Match by specialty. This allows you to set goals and action steps and ascertain your level of competitiveness.

These data and reports:

  • Identify characteristics of applicants and factors of consideration for programs that impact residency selection decisions
  • Describe trends in match rates by specialty, program type, and geographic location
  • Provide descriptions of the work of each specialty, salary & workforce trends, training requirements, and links to relevant organizations and publications


National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) Data Reports

NRMP Main Residency Match Data and Reports

As part of effective career planning, you should familiarize yourself with the following three reports :

  • Charting Outcomes in the Match
    • Biennial report highlighting the characteristics that contribute to a residency program’s overall assessment of an applicant
  • Program Director Survey
    • Annual report examining the factors program directors use to select applicants to interview and rank applicants.
  • Applicant Survey
    • Biennial report of factors that applicants weigh in selecting programs at which to interview and rank.

NRMP Interactive Data Tools

NRMP’s data visualization tools allow you to customize Match data views to help you think strategically about your residency applications and better consider the specialties with which you align.

  • Interactive Charting Outcomes in the Match provides you the opportunity to enter and compare your personal characteristics to the applicants who matched into preferred specialties.
  • At-A-Glance Program Director Survey provides you with a snapshot of responses to the Program Director survey. You can select your specialty of interest and quickly digest how programs in that specialty consider applicant characteristics and test scores when making decisions about interviews offers and ranking.

NRMP Main Residency Match Archived Results and Data

Helpful for reviewing historical data trends.

Specialty Info via AAMC Careers in Medicine (CiM)

AAMC CIM Specialty Profiles

Profiles of 200+ specialties and subspecialties including descriptions of the work, lifestyle, salary, training requirements, match, workforce information, and links to relevant organizations and publications.

AAMC CIM Specialty Spotlights

Curious about a specialty and want to learn more? Read these spotlight articles, featuring 27+ specialties for in-depth descriptions of what it’s like to work in that field.